Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Chapter 3 Myths

Chapter 3

""Everybody does it" The equation that goodness equals weakness for cynical acceptance of cheating, or "cutting corners" as an understandably human practice at all ages and places..." (Janaro & Altshuler 2017)

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The statement is absurd in its logical soundness at times but has a backing in its effectiveness as it uses a group mentality that expands what an individual does based on what is observed of others.
Even if it puts the individual in a bad position it can be used still as observations of others might allow one to learn how to get out the possibility of the negative consequences of the thing that "everyone does"

""It must be fate." Also called destiny, fate plays an important role in Greek mythology and is one of its major legacies" (Janaro & Altshuler 2017)

Image result for destiny and fate

Fate is a very strange concept as I do believe without Greek mythology it would not be a very prominent and talked about as Greek mythology ingrained the idea of a fate existing rather than a free controlled existence or a predetermined existence without a higher invisible power trying to tie people to real life events. Fate is a force that brings similar events or events that go together well to a single point in space and time. Much is attributed to space when some believe that all is predetermined no matter what we do and all is mere chance, if you believe in that too.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Chapter 15 Nature

"Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods, he can learn more than what's in the books" - George Washington Carver (Janaro & Altshuler 2017)

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This statement is both true and false at he same time, using a book may allow you to learn a plant's spacial features and uses making the book more of a practical method of become a sort of "practical" naturalist. One as well can not deduce the name of an unknown plant without the assistance of a book therefore. The strengths of exploring nature to learn about it is being able to see the "big picture" and absorb every single detail that nature has to give as well as the smells, textures, tastes, sounds, and most importantly how it truly looks through your eyes. 

"Eating meat is primitive, barbaric, arrogant." - Ingrid Newkirk (Janaro & Altshuler 2017)

Image result for cow thinking

Eating meat is in fact not exclusively primitive in all related definitions of the word primitive as eating of plants was initially our first source of food as apes and not primitive as it requires a much higher level of knowledge and societal advancement in order to obtain and prepare, in fact not eating meat is much more of a primitive behavior as it is where we return to when times are tough. It is not barbaric either usually as that would mean causing pain to the animals we eat, the animals that we eat have no understanding of their situation nor have they ever seen a life where they had lived greater therefore their existence is scaled to such environments. Deaths in the slaughter house are usually instant targeting the brains of the creatures preventing them from experience the pain that an action would require to be "barbaric" of which eating meat causes none of. The only part that may be arrogant is the human race "farming" them, but there is no evidence that any other species or animal other than humans is afflicted by arrogance to this degree, especially when the animals involved do not understand their existence. I have seen countless films against eating meat, but I believe it is all propaganda from people who want to be right and attempt to sway the common people by showing gore and acts that people can't take emotionally such as the killing of baby chickens, seems sad but if you think about it with an educated and unemotionally swayed mind you can understand by ones self that for the baby chickens they have no negative emotions or pains about the subject as they know not of their impending death and likely never will.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


"The Inherent vice of capitalisms is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent value of socialism is equal sharing of miseries" -Winston Churchhill (Page 500)

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Having seen both types of system I could say that this is accurate to a degree, my main issue is wording as he is clearly referring to communist countries like Russia which are on the socialist side of the spectrum but the inefficiencies of the system are due to more so the communist aspects rather than the socialist aspects of the system. Other than that the basis is found to be true.

"We don't allow our enemies to have guns. Why should we allow them to have ideas?" - Joseph Stalin (Page 499)

See the source image

This quote made me laugh as it is so insanely out of touch with modern reality and any aspect of freedom as he would like to completely restrict freedom in everyway possible even the freedom one has in his or her mind. This of course was said to try to give him a better moral standing for what he does on the daily, kill innocent people that don't believe in his cause. "People can die, but ideas never die"