Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Chapter 2
"The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing knowledge" - Albert Einstein

   Although this isn't exactly within the lines of actual textbook, but rather a side quote, I found this very interesting. I, for one, have a single question that likely will never be answered, was Albert Einstein a dreamer? This question is important to me as I would definitely consider myself a dreamer. Some may not exactly understand what it is to be a dreamer, or falsely identify what a dreamer is, there is likely only one type of person that may understand what it is to be a dreamer, a dreamer. "The gift of fantasy", could he be referring to the feeling of "dreaming" rather than what the text relates it to being a sort of entertainment. From the standpoint of a dreamer, sounds like something another dreamer would say.
Image result for thinking dreamers

"He then made a famous distinction between two ways of responding not only to drama but to events in real life."  (Janaro & Altshuler 2017)

   Apollonian and Dionysian, I feel as if this could be a way to identify personality factors of an individual and would like to know how often these terms are used in the real world. One may record and transcribe conversations with people and identify their responses to the same questions and see how much of their response is logical and rational, Apollonian, and how much of it stems from emotional roots, Dionysian. This data could be used to understand people to a higher degree. This response itself is a very Apollonian response.
Image result for rationality and emotionality

Assumptions... "Often these are buried; that is, they lie underneath what people are saying without being acknowledged as assumptions, and often they are the real message that is being communicated. The critical thinker listens carefully, always seeking what is actually being said." (Janaro & Altshuler 2017)

I feel like assuming assumptions to be as are initially to be important when reading most types of text as it is part of the natural human experience to assume assumptions and adds a new level of depth to fictional stories as well as real ones as the reader may assume his or her own assumptions to the story. Fiction and non-fiction will never be the same for two people, no matter how specific you describe things, people will assume things as they please to fill the gaps that will always appear in fiction and understanding.
Image result for assumptions

Works Cited:

Janaro, R. P., & Altshuler, T. C. (2017). The art of being human: The humanities as a technique for living. Boston: Pearson.

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